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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Free $25 Kiva microloan to someone in a developing country.

Here's a freebie that's also a good deed: you can sign up with and loan out $25 to an entrepreneur in a developing country at no cost to you! Kiva connects people who want to lend relatively small sums of money with small-business owners who need short-term loans to help their business. So, for example, a dozen people lend $25 each, and a woman in the Philippines now has the $400 she needs to buy fish for her farmer's market stall. The lenders pay you back over time, and then the money is in your account for withdrawal or re-depositing.

I'm a Kiva lender and I really enjoy it - rarely, if ever, have I been defaulted on, and helping people to become independent and support themselves is a good feeling. If you're new to Kiva, check it out and lend someone $25 at no cost to you!

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