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Friday, February 19, 2010

Contest: Win a 2-night round-trip package on the Victoria Clipper.

I don't think I've ever posted a contest announcement here, but I just happened to stumble across this one and thought it was worth posting for Seattleites. Victoria Clippers is having a photo contest for your best pictures of Seattle, Victoria, and the Victoria Clipper itself. Winners in each of those three categories will get two round-trip tickets on the Victoria Clipper plus a gift bag, and the grand prize winner gets a two-night vacation package, champagne breakfast, and gift bag.

You can read the full rules here, but basically they want a hi-res JPG that captures the essence of each city. So if you've got a Seattle picture you're proud of, why not submit it for the heck of it? Entries are due by Feb. 28, so start snappin'!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post! And don't forget to submit your photos!

    Tassie for Clipper Vacations


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