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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Free Seattle's Best samples?

Perhaps you've heard that Starbucks off-brand Seattle's Best Coffee has proudly launched a new, somewhat crappy logo. To celebrate, they're having some kind of mystery promotion on their website. There's a free sample of something at Seattle's Best for the first 10,000 who sign up via email... but it doesn't say what it is. I guess we'll find out.

The new logo is a bit of a Rorschach test - they're playing coy about what it actually is, and it's ambiguous enough to be open to interpretation. To me it looks like a big open mouth with dangling uvula, but evidently it could also be a coffee cup or any number of things. Sign up to get on the mailing list and maybe we'll learn once and for all what it is...

1 comment:

  1. Admittedly, the virus protection at my work is in overdrive, but the page where you enter your e-mail address set off my Kapersky Anti-Virus 6.0.

    Just FYI.


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