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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Information: The bread survey is for real!

Last week I posted about the survey you could get two loaves of bread for taking. I took the survey, and I'm pleased to say that I already received my free bread coupons! I also got a handwritten thank-you note from their marketing manager and her business card, which is shaped like a little loaf of bread and makes me want to be a baker so I can have cards like that.

Anyway, if you were dubious about this offer, let me assure you that it is real - now I just have to track down a place that carries this fancy hippie bread. The only catch is, they only send you coupons if you live in a state where they stock their products, i.e. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and northern California. If you're a lucky resident, though, go take the survey!

1 comment:

  1. Well hot poop, they sell this at the store 1.5 blocks from my crappy apartment!


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