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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Free YoCrunch yogurt when you send in a candy wrapper.

Okay, well, I know this flyer looks so cheesy that you probably think it's fake, and I would have thought that too, except it's hosted on the site, so it has to be real, right? I mean, doesn't it look like something that a national brand would spend money having an expert designer create? No?

Well, whatever. MS Paint Frankenstein and wavy 3-D banner text aside, the offer stands: send YoCrunch an envelope stuffed with trick-or-treat candy wrappers (or, you know, any candy wrappers you happen to have lying around) and they'll send you a coupon for a free YoCrunch candy-topped yogurt. You know, for a healthier lifestyle. For your kids.

Think of the children!

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