- Stephanie P.
- Got a tip for your fellow cheapskates? Send it to hardtimesnewsletter@gmail.com!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Travel: One-way car rentals for cheap.
Of course, you're basically doing them a favor by transporting their car across the country, but if you're looking for a spring getaway, it could be a fun road trip to drive from, say, Seattle to SF and then hop a cheap flight home.
(Courtesy of the Seattle Times)
Seattle: All-you-can-eat happy hour buffets.
- Four Seasons - gourmet cheese buffet for $12, and a Northwest-themed tapas buffet for $14. You can get both for $20. About two dozen cheeses, with crackers, dried fruits, and nuts. Buffet is offered daily from 4:30-10 p.m. Lounge happy hour is 5-7 p.m. Sundays-Thursdays, when bar food, beer, selected wine and cocktails cost $5.
- The Terrace at The Fairmont Olympic Hotel - all-you-can-eat appetizer deal for $12 and a $12 "endless cheese" deal during happy hour, 3:30-6 p.m. Sundays-Thursdays.
If you're willing to spend a little more on your happy hour nibbles for a tasty splurge, and you're a big fan of cheese, it might be worth it.
Facebook: Two free coffees at Corner Bakery.
It's Free Coffee From Unlikely Sources Day!
Free coffee drink at ING Direct Cafe. $$$$
I'd love to have a free bank latte, but alas, there are no cafes in Seattle. But if you're one of the lucky locations listed, stop in for your free bev!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Target: Free 8x10 and discounts on portrait packages.
Good through April 22. Find a portrait studio.
Facebook: Free Chocolate Almond Latte w/purchase at Einstein Bros. Bagels.
Today I'm having yogurt with All Bran "bran buds" (free sample*), and while they're OK, I guess, an asiago bagel with garlic-herb cream cheese and a chocolate almond latte to wash it down with would be a LOT better. I'm just saying.
*Speaking of which, I just noticed I'm eating free-sample bran and yogurt I got on sale, drinking free coffee, AND wearing a 99-cent cashmere sweater I dug out of the Goodwill bins. Did I become homeless without realizing it?!
"Tax free" shopping at Kohl's, JC Penney.
Well, the Kohl's offer is valid only in AZ,CA,FL,IA,MI,MO,TX,UT,VA,WV,WI. The JC Penney offer is valid only in retail stores, Wednesday, 3/31, to Saturday, 4/3. It doesn't sound like that big of a discount, but anyone who has made a major purchase in Washington knows the pain of forking over nearly 10% in sales tax, so if you need a big appliance or a tractor or something, this might be worth noting.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Seattle: Friends of the Library book sale, Apr. 16-18.
Here are the dates:
Friday, April 16: 6:30 – 9:30 p.m: Member Preview and Rare Book Auction. Members may buy up to 25 items each.
Saturday, April 17: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday, April 18: 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
See you there, Seattle!
Seattle Restaurant Week, Apr. 18-29.
You can check out the list of participating restaurants and start marking off your calendars now so you can hit them all. The $15 lunch is an especially good value, but $25 for a three-course dinner is nothing to sneeze at, either.
Amazon: $5 subscriptions on Ladies Home Journal, Bicycling.
And if neither of those does it for you, well, you're clearly just impossible to please.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Seattle: Free coffee, pizza, music on April 1 at Caffe Vita in Pioneer Square.
On April 1:
- 6 a.m. - 11 a.m. = free drip coffee
- 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. = free small pizzas from Pizzeria Napoletana
- 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. = free performance by The Tarantellas
- 8 p.m. - Late = free food, drinks, and music for ages 21 and up. Performances by Trent (Head Like a Kite / Fresh Espresso), Thomas Hunter (Kay Kay / Wild Orchid Children), Fatal Lucciauno, and others.
(Thanks, Allison!)
Free Olay Total Effects Body Wash sample.
Olay, Olay
Body wash wash wash
That - to the tune of "Feelin' Hot Hot Hot" - is what I have stuck in my head right now. Pity me.
Free Olay Total Effects body wash sample!
Free Special K protein meal bar.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Borders: 40% off one item.
...Oh, wait, I can't search to see if they have something I want, because their website is broken and their search engine is down. Oh, Borders, you just can't do anything right, can you?
Free Benefiber sample.
Benefiber is orange-flavored, which should make it more pleasant than regular fiber powder, and they claim you can sneakily mix it into all kinds of things - coffee, yogurt, juice, or any cooked or baked items. I'm pretty sure I would notice if my coffee suddenly became gritty and citrusy, but what the hey, maybe I'll give it a whirl.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tropicana Juicy Rewards.
2 Points
1 Point
So, just to recap:
1. Register
2. Enter codes
3. Click "Explore Rewards" and search for "Tropicana" to find the 1-point BOGO coupon - or browse applicable offers by your state or zip code
(Thanks, HeyItsFree.net!)
Seattle: $5 happy hour at Cheesecake Factory.
Locations: 700 Pike St. in downtown Seattle, 401 Bellevue Square in Bellevue, and 230 Strander Blvd. near Southcenter Mall. Happy hour is 4-6 p.m. Mondays-Fridays at the bar. Appetizers ($5) and other food items ($3.95-$6.95), beer $3, well drinks and wine $4, and selected cocktails $5.
5 free dog treat samples.
Receive 1 each of the following treats, all with glucosamine and chondroitin added for joint health:
• Banana wrapped with 100% pure chicken
• Apple wrapped with 100% pure chicken
• Sweet Potato wrapped with 100% pure chicken
• Carrot wrapped with 100% pure chicken
• Sweet potato biscuit wrapped with 100% pure chicken
This all sounds pretty good to me. Maybe I should poke around my fridge and see what can be wrapped with 100% pure chicken as a snack... apparently, everything can.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Borders: 40% off up to two CDs.
Capture that olde-tyme magic at Borders with a coupon for 40% off up to two CDs. Good through March 25.
Information: Start a freebie spreadsheet.
I try to post only ones that I personally have tested the sign-up for, or that are vouched for by sites I trust, but there are a lot of reasons why you might not get the freebie you asked for. Sometimes, these freebies are designed for a small audience (like targeted email), but then go viral and the company is faced with either spending WAY more than they intended on the promotion, or looking like jerks and angering consumers by not fulfilling the offer. Sometimes (think of any of the fast-food free food promos) the offers come from Corporate, and the individual franchisees can't or won't participate. Often, they have a certain number of free samples to give away, and when those are gone, that's that - only you have no way of knowing that on your end.
So I finally decided to put together a spreadsheet, which I should have been doing all along, to track the freebies I send off for and keep an eye on when/if they are fulfilled. If my ultra-scientific method shows that a certain company has burned us, then the next time they post a freebie offer, SCREW THEM. Stick it to The Man!
Here's what's on mine. If you do a lot of mail-in offers, I encourage you to set up a log like this, so you'll know what you've got pending instead of just a vague feeling that you sent away for something and it should be here by now.
- Company sponsoring the offer
- Item/discount offered
- Contact info or URL in case of questions/problems
- Date ordered
- Date received
- A "Done" check box
Free sample of Nestle Abuelita.
If you decide you don't feel like hot chocolate once you get it, you can always put it to work making some whipped dessert poos. You heard me.
Free Everlast sports nutrition bar.
Actually, with 14g of protein and 4g fiber, that looks pretty decent. Choose from Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch, Dark Chocolate Nut, or Oatmeal Raisin Walnut.
Oh shoot, I think I got coffee cake crumbs stuck in my keyboard.
Today until 10:30 - it's not too late to get a free Starbucks pastry!
Until 10:30, print out the coupon (or show it to the barista on your smartphone) and you can get a free pastry of your choice with the purchase of any brewed hot or cold bev. I plumped for the reduced-fat "very berry coffee cake" and a tall drip. What did you get? Leave it in the comments!
P.S. Seattleites, 3rd & Pike had plenty at 8:30 am, and 4th & Union had quite a few when I peeped in. Don't despair, they have supplies!
Monday, March 22, 2010
30% off at Old Navy.
Reminder: Free Ben & Jerry's Cone Day tomorrow, Mar. 23!
Participating locations in Seattle include 7900 E. Green Lake Drive N., Seattle; 176 Lake St. S., Kirkland; and 2800 Southcenter Mall, Tukwila. Step right up!
Free Olay Quench for Clunkers.
Even better, if you go to Walgreens right now, they're offering a free Olay Quench In-Shower Body Lotion (8.4 oz) when you buy the regular Olay Quench lotion. So after you send in your rebate, you'll be getting TWO products for free!
I've done the Olay Quench rebate offer before and it worked perfectly - just remember to save your receipt and send in the form before the due date, and you'll get your check in the mail. This lotion regularly sells for about $8, so it's a pretty nice freebie if you're willing to do the steps.
Half Price Books: 20%--50% off coupons.
Find your nearest location (we have them in Seattle, of course) and grab some spring reading!
Reminder: Starbucks Free Pastry Day is Tues., Mar. 23.
Don't forget, it's almost time for free Starbucks pastry! On March 23 (that's tomorrow), just print out the coupon and take it to your participating Starbucks before 10:30 am for a free pastry with the purchase of any "handcrafted, brewed, or iced beverage" (meaning no bottled waters or juices).
According to the nagging little ad that has popped up on my Facebook homepage, the promotion starts at (shudder) 5:00 am. Hell, those early birds are welcome to the best pastries as a reward for being alive that early. Just leave me a dry bran muffin or something to claim when I drag myself in hours later, OK?
Friday, March 19, 2010
Free Profound Beauty HUSH Time-Out Treatment sample.
Fighting frizz is a major interest of mine, here in the land of constant gentle mist, so maybe I'll take them up on this one.
Reminder: Free daffodils in downtown Seattle today.
Don't forget, everyone, today Pike Place Market does Daffodil Day, celebrating the arrival of spring by handing out 12,000 free daffodils at lunchtime.
Flowers will be distributed at the following locations:
- Fourth Avenue and Pine Street
- Pacific Place
- City Centre
- Downtown Central Library
- City Hall
Plus, presumably, somewhere at the market. So mark your calendars and get your daffodils today!
Free sample of Rachel Ray Nutrish dog food.
A portion of the proceeds from every bag you buy goes toward Rachel Ray's animal shelter charity, so that's nice, I guess.
Borders: 30% off one item.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Free sample of Freeman Pssst! dry 'poo.
Incidentally, this offer is sponsored by Redbook magazine, whose tagline for their website is, "Sex Tips, Marriage Advice, Getting Pregnant, & Online Sweepstakes." Sheesh, throw something about baking in there, and what else could a gal ask for?! (Or care about!)
30% off at Old Navy/Gap/Banana Republic, + good karma.
How about one for the animals? I like my charity dollars to go toward our furry friends. Anyone seen one?
Starbucks: Free Pastry Day March 23.
The key word there is "participating." Last year the Starbucks in my building quickly ran out of their allotment of giveaway pastries and refused to honor the coupon with the regular pastries they hand in the case, which led to much ill-feeling and some reluctant walking up the street to the next Starbucks a block away. (As it turned out, they had burned through their pastry ration too, except they said, "Fuck it, we're just going to give away what we have rather than make customers mad.") So it may take some patience, and I'd recommend hitting up an out-of-the-way, less-busy location that may not run out as quickly as the big downtown ones. But anyway, free pastry.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Seattle: Free daffodils on March 19 at Pike Place Market.
Flowers will be distributed at the following locations:
- Fourth Avenue and Pine Street
- Pacific Place
- City Centre
- Downtown Central Library
- City Hall
Plus, presumably, somewhere at the market. So mark your calendars and claim your daffodils this Friday - it's spring!
Baja Fresh: Free St. Patty's Day burrito w/drink purchase.
Just print the page and make sure your name is showing by clicking "Account" in the upper right-hand corner when you print. Then, throw on something green and hit up your local Baja Fresh for a truly Irish freebie.
Borders: 25% off one item.
Facebook: Free Stride Mega Mystery Pack.
I'm still not actually sure what that is, but I guess I'll find out when they send it to me...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
30% off at Old Navy/Gap/Banana Republic, + good karma.
Usually this means a whole slew of nonprofits are partnering to bring you these discounts, so if you're not a fan of BBBS, I'm sure there will be others surfacing online. I'll post them as I see them, so you may judiciously spread the wealth of your philan-shop-y.
(Thanks, Julia!)
Free sample of Dove Daily Treatment Conditioner.
Free U by Kotex samples.
BACK IN MY DAY, girls preferred not to alert the world to their fallopian status with neon-colored feminine products, but I guess the times have changed. Anyway, sign up for your free samples here. And make sure this is playing in the background.
2010 Entertainment Books, $17 + free shipping + 25% cash back!
You've heard me talk about the Entertainment Book before, and how they can be a great deal not only for you in your hometown, but also as gifts to out-of-state friends and family, or even (with research) purchased in advance for a city you are planning to visit.
Right now, ALL Entertainment Books are $17 + free shipping (be warned, shipping is kind of slow, so make sure you order well in advance if you're using it for travel purposes)! Use it once for a BOGO to the Woodland Park Zoo ($16.50) or the Museum of Flight ($15) or the Seattle Art Museum ($15) and it's practically paid for itself. Throw in a BOGO lunch and you're already making money on it!
Sometimes I can just hear my dad's voice coming out of my mouth.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Facebook: Free Ritz pretzel crisps.
I mean, I will judge you, but I won't stand in the way of you getting a free sample.
Amazon $5 magazine sale is back!
- Esquire - $5
- Marie Claire - $5
- Harper's Bazaar - $5
- Seventeen - $5
- Esquire - $5
- People Stylewatch - $10
Free seeds for gardeners.
Bath & Body Works: Free lip gloss for students.
Good through March 21, o ye of chapped lips.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Information: How I make a purchase.
1. Comparison shop - In this case, Kohl's carries this product exclusively (as far as I know) and I knew this was the one I wanted and waited for it to be on sale. But if it were an item that many stores commonly carry, I would check my favorite shopping sites (Amazon, Zappos, Endless) as well as shopping aggregators like Nextag to get an idea of what prices are out there. Keep in mind, though, that additional discounts and bonuses, or perks like free shipping, may actually make the final price lower.
2. Find those promo codes - You may think you've found the lowest price, but online coupons and promo codes can make all the difference in the total price. As an example, let's say this bag was $50 at Macy's (but you have a promo code for free shipping), and $45 at Kohl's (but shipping is $8 and takes up to 2 weeks). The place with the "higher" price is actually the better deal overall. I love RetailMeNot to quickly check for current promo codes and see if any are applicable - here, I found a promo code for an extra 20% off at Kohl's. But don't just click through to the store directly! There are still more savings to be had.
3. Points, points, points - Now that you've identified the lowest total price, it's time to get rewarded for shopping! If you're not signed up for somewhere like Swagbucks or Ebates (full disclosure: those are my personal referral links), think about it. With Swagbucks, you earn points by shopping through their site and using their search engine, which can be exchanged for Amazon gift cards. With Ebates, you get cash back from sellers (percentage varies by store), mailed to you quarterly in a rebate check. Membership is free, and it's a slow-but-steady way to make a few bucks for the online shopping you already do.
4. Reward yourself - Finally, if you have a credit card that awards points or miles, you can use that as your actual payment method and get rewarded yet again for your purchase.
This may seem like a lot of effort, and it may not be worth it for smaller purchases. But I actually enjoy hunting around for the best price and the best discounts and perks, and I definitely like the feeling of saving money and getting cash back! It's that much more $$$ that I can put in my new handbag once it arrives.
Reminder: Free mango yogurt at Pinkberry today!
Yes, I am still super-bummed that we don't have Pinkberry here, thanks for asking.
30% off at Borders, in-store or online.
$15 off at 39 Dollar Glasses. Should they change their name to 24 Dollar Glasses?
39 Dollar Glasses is offering a $10 discount on their homepage with promo code LUCKY10, but my sources tell me you can get a $15 discount with promo code cjp15. I ordered a backup pair from Zenni once and they're okay, but not great - they feel a little flimsy and can't really be adjusted because they're made from cheaper materials. But as an emergency backup pair or for prescription sunglasses for summer, these cheapo glasses work just fine. I know it's hard to visualize summer right now, but it will come someday... probably right about when your slow-boat-from-China glasses finally make it here.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Feeling lucky? Tons of contests through Woman's Day.
Woman's Day is a magazine you probably don't read, but they always have tons of contests on their website - and now they have even more, in partnership with other publications. Scroll about halfway down the page, and that's where they start. There's designer jewelry, a bunch of all-expenses-paid vacations both domestic and international, fragrances, home stuff, and more. You usually have to click through to skip one or two "featured offers" in order to enter, but it's all free and you don't have to sign up for anything. And you can enter once per day. Someone's got to win, and it might as well be you!
Starbucks: Free 1-lb bag coffee when you fill a passport.
So, let's think about this. $1.50 x 8 = $12. Bag of Starbucks coffee = about $10, depending on the blend. So if you normally buy a coffee a week at Starbucks anyway, then you're getting a free bag on top of that, and if you normally brew your own at home to save money, you're effectively getting 8 free brewed coffees with your regular bag-of-beans purchase. Not a bad deal, assuming you're willing to go through the sticker-collecting rigamarole and commit to completing all 8 weekly flavors. But are you?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Reminder: Free Panda Express Honey Walnut Shrimp today.
Mar. 12: Free mango yogurt at Pinkberry.
Granted, it's far too chilly in most of the country for fro-yo to sound like a great idea, but c'mon, just do it for me, will you?
Sephora @ JC Penney's: Free Too Faced Lash Injection mascara.
I like Too Faced for their cheeky attitude and fun makeup kits, like the "Walk of Shame" bag, including toothbrush and mints, that promises to "will get you out the door and walking home without the shame." So why not give their saucy mascara a try?
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Free Lancome Juicy Tubes lip gloss.
"Beginning March 9, 2010, bring the April 2010 cover of Seventeen or a printout of the seventeen.com home page to any participating Nordstrom store to receive a full-size Lancôme Juicy Tubes lip gloss (approximate retail value: $18). Eight thousand (8,000) will be given away. One per person. Giveaway ends April 12, 2010, or while supplies last. Once all lip glosses are distributed, there will be no substitute product given away."
April 12? Yeah, right. I'd be surprised if any were left by March 12. Still, if you were going to be at the mall anyway today or something, it might be worth a shot to print out the homepage and give it a try.
Free Lever 2000 sample.
Nevertheless, they are boosting awareness by offering free samples, so why not take advantage? Surely you have a part or two that could be cleaner...
Free sample of Dunkin' Donuts TURBO.
(click Free Sample on the right-hand side)
Monday, March 8, 2010
DSW: $10 off, free shipping starting Mar. 9.
DSW Rewards members also get free shipping with promo code SPRSHP. You can stack up to 3 promo codes, so if you find another good one out there, by all means pile it on! Then tell us about it in the comments so we can get even cheaper shoes.
Free Lipton Tea sample pack.
The link is there, but it takes a minute - watch the banner ad at the top scroll through its little slideshow, and the very last image says "Get a free sample." Click that and it takes you through to the sign-up page.
JetBlue: $10 fares if you travel 3/9 or 3/10.
"Flights included in JetBlue's 'Thank You fare' promotion go from the airline's home base at New York's John F. Kennedy International airport to Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Orlando, West Palm Beach and Fort Myers, Florida; Buffalo and Rochester, New York; Oakland, California; Burlington, Vermont; and Salt Lake City, Utah."
Apparently there are more tenth-anniversary sales and specials to come, so follow them on Twitter to get the scoop.
Facebook: Free Panda Express honey walnut shrimp, 3/10.
Free John Frieda 'poo + conditioner samples.
I don't know that I personally need a boost of volume and thickness, since I spend most of my time trying to get my hair to be flatter (hence my favorite JF product being Frizz-Ease), but if you're longing to have a big old mane of hair to fling around in slow motion, this sample is for you.
Dunkin' Donuts: Free coffee Mondays in March.
Sorry, Seattleites, there don't seem to be any locations in Seattle and maybe not in all of Washington, so you'll just have to fantasize enviously about the free coffee others are enjoying across the country today.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Facebook: Win big with KING FM!
The contests are fairly easy, trivia questions that anyone who's Google-proficient will be able to answer without much trouble. Contests are open to WA residents only, so if you live here, check it out!
Facebook: Free SunChips.
Good for the first 100,000, so get on over there and get yo' chips.
Borders: 40% off one item.
Maybe I can use it to pre-order this...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Information: 5 scary ways to eat hot dogs.
If you're looking for ways to use up that Costco flat of hot dogs, though, give it a look.
Endless fries and pancakes at Denny's.
I can't tell you how long it's been since I ate at a Denny's, but I do enjoy the ritzy sophistication of the fries served upright in a soda glass. Clearly they're making some changes, and I want to be riding the crest of this free-pancake wave.
Mar. 6: See 5 Best Picture nominees for $25.
Sadly, "Avatar" is in 2-D, which is not really the way to see it, but if you're lagging on your Oscar preparedness and you want to knock a bunch of them out in one fell swoop, this is how. Check participating locations and maybe consider downloading that "when to pee" iPhone app.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Pets: Free Beneful IncrediBites sample.
Well, I guess I could sign myself up for this free sample of Purina Beneful IncrediBites dog food, which certainly sounds quite fancy. Perhaps I too would like "a variety of crunchy and tender pieces, small-sized and easy to chew," Purina. Did you ever think of THAT? *sob*
Ben & Jerry's: $1 Maple Blondie scoops, Mar. 3.
But don't listen to me; get your very own Maple Blondie (cringe) for just a buck, today only.
Facebook: BOGO Skittles and Starburst.
I wish there was a Facebook fan page for sour gummi worms, though, because that's what I've totally been craving this week. Sigh.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Information: Swagbucks widget on the HTN homepage.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, Swagbucks is a search-and-win website that awards you points for searching online and completing special offers, which you can use to buy merchandise and (more importantly) Amazon gift cards. You can sign up here (full disclosure: that's my referral link and when you sign up and earn points, it awards me points too). Read my online review of it if you want to learn more about it!
BOGO Teese Cheese.
I will admit that the grilled cheese sandwich on that page looks pretty good, though.
(Thanks, Laura!)
Emergen-C: free samples and... cocktail recipes?
I don't know about you, but if something looks like a martini, comes in a martini glass, and is called a "Bluetini," I say it's a martini. Bottoms up, Emergen-C!
Free sample of Arm & Hammer toothpaste.
Facebook: Free bottle of Vitamin Water Connect.
This freebie is good for the first 100,000, so you should have ample time to get on over there and get yours.
Borders: 30% off one item.
Free biscuit and gravy from Waffle House.
But more importantly, it has a coupon at the bottom for a free biscuit and sausage gravy, so if you're lucky enough to live somewhere with a Waffle House, you can biscuit up for free through March 15.
Unless you use that time machine to take you back before the expiration date, that is...
Monday, March 1, 2010
Amazon: 1-year subscription to Entertainment Weekly, $10.
Recyclebank: Get coupons for free hippie stuff.
It's free to sign up, and if you do these steps, you'll have enough points for a couple of nice items. I got coupons (being sent in the mail) for a box of any Kashi cereal and a bottle of Seventh Generation dishwashing liquid, which are worth a few bucks each.
1. Sign up for RecycleBank
2. Join the eBay Green Team (just check the box and get 50 points)
3. Enter the code RECYCLEYOURMAGS
(Courtesy of Freebies4Mom.com)
Free Bounce dryer sheets sample.
Free e.l.f. Fronch manicure kit from Warner's.
Free e.l.f. Fronch manicure kits when you sign up (and I'm assuming you're also agreeing to receive bra catalogs in your mailbox in perpetuity, so this could be a hilarious prank too).